Please read the requirements for posting into this discussion forum in your weekly materials area, under the appropriate week, then under the Discussion Posting link. The potential topics for this week include:
Are the financial markets working?
Is the role of the Federal Reserve still relevant?
What conflicts arise between shareholders and managers?
Sarbanes Oxley: Is it working?
Efficient Market Hypothesis: is it true?
The assignment is to write a 1,000 word paper on one of the topics listed above. You must use 3 professional sources (no wiki or ~pedias) and follow APA format (title page, running head, citations, references). The 1,000 words are from the body of your text and do not include your references. Please read the syllabus for a more detailed description of the assignment. You may use your text as a source but it will not count toward your 3 source requirement. Your assignment must be posted in the discussion board and the Written Assignments folder.
Cahpter 1 and 2
Fundamentals of Financial Management
Brigham, Eugene F. & Houston, Joel F.
Edition: 14TH 16 / Cengage